decking Adelaide

A deck can change your life. It’s the perfect spot to enjoy a warm summer evening. Whether you want an outdoor kitchen or a space for entertaining friends, decks are easy to install and maintain. But before you jump into building one, it’s important to know what kind of wood will work best for your project and how much maintenance it’ll need over time. 

Here are some tips on how to choose the right material for your needs and how to prepare it before installation. Then we’ll show you how easy it is to prep your Adelaide decking and pergolas for installation with these simple steps:

Choosing Your Decking Material

Whether you’re building a decking in Adelaide for the first time or replacing an old one, there are plenty of materials to choose from. Here’s what you need to know about each type:

  • Wood decking is the most popular choice because it’s affordable and easy to maintain. It comes in different types, including cedar and redwood (the most expensive). You can also choose from composite materials such as plastic-and-wood combinations or bamboo planks that look like real wood but don’t need much maintenance.
  • Composite materials offer the best value for money–they’re less expensive than natural materials but still durable enough for outdoor use over time. Composite boards often have lower weight loads than natural ones so they’re good if space is limited under your decking area; however, these boards might not last as long compared with real hardwoods such as cedar/redwood or teak which makes them more expensive upfront but worth every penny in terms of longevity!

Installing Your Decking

Now that you have your decking materials, it’s time to install them. The first step is to use a level to ensure that each board is perfectly flat and straight before moving on.

Next, measure out all of the pieces of wood with a tape measure so that you don’t end up with any shortcuts or long pieces.

Once all of your measurements are done, use a drill with either screws or nails depending on what type of material you’re working with (wooden boards will require nails while composite or plastic planks will need screws). Be sure not to overdo it here–you want just enough pressure for everything to stay together during installation but not so much that there are large holes left behind when finished! 

A miter saw can also help cut down time once everything else has been measured out properly as well as cut through thick pieces without breaking anything apart accidentally while trying too hard at first glance; however, if using this tool isn’t possible then simply ask someone else who has one available nearby instead since they won’t mind lending theirs out temporarily either way since they know how important it is for everyone involved here today 🙂

Maintaining and Caring for Your Decking

  • Cleaning and maintaining your deck is an essential part of making sure that it lasts a long time. First, use a power washer to clean and sanitize your deck. You can also use deck cleaner on mildew or mold if you have it on your new wood.
  • Maintain the health of your wood by cleaning it regularly with a pressure washer–this will remove dirt and grime from cracks between boards as well as prevent rot from forming underneath them. Try using soap and water or bleach solution (for blackened areas) after washing with fresh water; this will help keep mold away!


We hope that this guide has helped you get started on your decking Adelaide project. If you’re looking for more information, check out our other guides on how to install a deck and maintain it over time!


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